Friday, November 19, 2010


This is a short video of me driving in Austin. Sometimes i wonder if anyone will someday invent a medium that will capture the ambiance and "feel" of someone's personal experience better than video.
Do you know what i mean?

Hand weaving and knitting

Hi All,

Yesterday the parents were invited to share bread and soup with the children at the kindergarten at snack (what a silly word for too small a breakfast) time. Before snack, the children are engaged in "free play" indoors, and one of the favourite activities is finger knitting and finger weaving. Actually, these were my favourites when i stayed with Ariel at the kindergarten. It's really fun and relaxing and you should try it, even if you don't have kids.
Here are some of the things we did yesterday:
This one is hand knitting
and this one is hand weaving
some of the kids there really like to do it, especially the older ones. Not as easy for the younger ones.

One boy told me that his entire wall in his room is covered with such little creations. Anyway, i really like it and i bought some yarn for us to experience it at home.

Be well. Be good.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

First post and something about the "Holidays"

Hi All,

Well, i contemplated the idea for a while, rolling it back and forth in my mind. Today, i decided, i will start blogging about our lives here. I hope some of you will stick around for more than the first time (hey, the first time is usually not the best you know). So good luck to me!

Did you know that the Americans call their measly three holidays spreading over almost three months "the holidays"? It's like calling Rosh Hashana till Hanukka "the holidays"! CRAZY. A friend here told me that she thinks it's because of the shopping culture that is so nicely attached to this period (Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas). Anyway, we have our little Hanukka approaching, and we invited a few families over, Israelis and goyim, to celebrate with us. We'll see how it goes. I bought Ariel a "Chanukah Beeswax Candles" kit, so we can make our own. We'll update you on our progress in that matter. How are you supposed to write חנוכה in English anyway?
Here is the kit i bought:
Oh and cross your fingers for me - tomorrow i may be the owner of a new Macbook pro 13. I wonder what my dad would have said about such a switch (pc to mac).

Be well. Be kind.
